Daily Message Shiva

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”

It’s time to release any guilt or regrets you have about your past. If a decision you have taken is preying on your mind, know that it’s not because the Universe wants you to feel guilty about it, but because it’s giving you an opportunity to see how far you’ve come. Also know that all of your debts have been paid and you can stop asking the Universe for forgiveness, because as far as it’s concerned, you are forgiven.

If you have any recurring fears or concerns about a situation that’s new, it might be because you’ve faced a similar situation in a previous lifetime and your soul is remembering old pain. In order to surmount this once and for all, it’s important to tune into your body and feel the reassurance of a huge full-body “Yes!” before moving forward. Even if following that dream or vision is scary, know that you have been waiting lifetimes upon lifetimes for this opportunity, and when you finally take it, you are breaking a cycle and taking charge of your destiny.

Shiva is one of India’s trinity of divine masculine gods. He is depicted wearing a cobra around his neck, representing his capacity to tame fear or the ego, with the light of the Universe behind him, showing his connection to the cosmos, and holding a trident, acknowledging the three aspects of divine masculine power in Hinduism: creator, preserver, and destroyer.

Shiva is known as “the destroyer lord” because of his warrior energy and ability to destroy fear. As the twin flame of Kali-Ma, he knows what it’s like to face some of the greatest fears and overcome them.

As a facet of divine masculine energy, he comes to those who call on him like a protective father figure, ready to guard and guide. He is the keeper of karma and helps us uncover the learnings that have come from our challenges and the behaviors that manifested the challenges in the first place.

DECK: Divine Masters Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard

“No matter what path or tradition you follow, the Divine Masters are willing to guide and support you. Call upon these beings in challenging times and they will support you through the process of healing and transformation.”
Kyle Gray

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