Greetings. My name is Wayne McDonald.
I am a Sound Healer Practitioner certified by the International Academy of Sound Healing (IASH in India). My training includes Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls for Self-healing, Spiritual Enlightenment, Professional application of Sound Healing for Stress Reduction, Deep Meditation, Group Healing, and treatment of different kinds of medical disorders.

Additional Sound Healing schools includes:
Certified in BLISSbowls™ Sound Healing Methods
Level 1– Singing Bowl FUNdamentals
Level 2 – Singing Bowls for ENERGY Work
Level 3 – Singing Bowls for BODY Work
Level 4 – Singing Bowls for Sound Healing Layouts
and, Singing Bowl Meditations for Transformation and Awakening

A Certified Crystal Practitioner by the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. My extensive training includes Professional Crystal Therapy (In-house and Distance Healing), How to Create Sacred Space, Working with Crystal Grids, Chakra Balancing Using Crystals, and Crystal Healing with Animals.

A Certified Reiki Practitioner. I am attuned to the Usui Reiki Natural Healing System. I studied with Eleonore Koury Reiki Master Teacher.

A Certified Angel Guide with training by Kyle Gray. Angel Guide Certification includes developing a personal relationship with your own angels [and, guides]; how to receive and interpret the angels’ messages and recognize their daily presence. Secondly, an Angel Guide is trained to creating a sacred and safe space for others to connect with their angels, and channel healing, protection and guidance in professional sessions. Training includes daily meditation to communicate with angels [and, guides] and using Angel Oracle Cards for daily readings for self and how to do readings for others.

And, I am a Licensed Practitioner with Centers for Spiritual Living – Awakening Humanity to Its Spiritual Magnificence. I do affirmative prayers with clients which is to look beyond outer appearances and to know the highest truth for my clients. That truth is, “I am Whole, Perfect and Complete”.

Mikao Usui – Developed Reiki as we know it at the end of the 19th century
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Hawayo Takata – brought Reiki to the U.S. in the 1940s
Fran Steine
Eleonore Koury
My personal journey includes over 10 years of energy work with clients. I have learned and experienced many Holistic Health Modalities through workshops, studying books, and receiving many styles of healing work personally.
My heart is filled with gratitude for the many books and tapes published by Sanya Roman and her guide Orin. From her books and tapes, I learned meditation, connecting with my guides, how to use affirmations to have a successful business and personal chakra balancing.
Current Studies
~ Advanced Crystal Master with the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy.
~ Quantum Healing techniques with Mona Delfino.
~ Shamanic Reiki
~ Aboriginal Healing with Robbie Holz (long distance healing)
[Five Essentials of Healing and The Seven Issues of the Heart]
And last, my personal mantra…
To You I Say, “Love – Peace – Joy”
And So It Is