Community Oracle Card

This card shows three women celebrating, sharing ideas, and supportive energy. The lights in the picture represent your ever-present spirit community as well. This card indicates an association of some kind. It may be a casual connection of like-minded people, joining a club, or community of some sort, or even a business partnership consisting of three or more entities. The time is right to make such new connections and to share intentions, whether they’re personal or professional.

Networking and community are important parts of the human experience, and the security and sense of connection can be beneficial to all. It’s true that when several people join their intentions, it accelerates their power in the energetic realm. Receiving this card puts you on notice that the Universe is sending some beneficial alliances your way.

Like the Happy Family card, this could also indicate a party or celebration of some kind.

I open my life to the wonderful people around me. I am making strong and beneficial connections in both my personal and professional life.

DECK: Energy Oracle Cards

Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!

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