Discover a new dimension of yourself by tapping into the power of the invisible dream world. There is much information accessible to you within the symbols and storylines of your dreams.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, guides and angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
Your dreams offer a deeper method of understanding and self-reflection, a way to expand beyond the physical realm and learn from your subconscious mind. Start by asking yourself a question before you go to bed and see if you can work out the answer in your dreams. When you awake, write down all the details you can recall. Making this a regular practice will allow you to access the subconscious information about yourself.
Affirm: I am enlightened by messages from my dream self.
The next time you wake up, recall your dreams in a journal as soon as you can.
DECK: Daily Crystal Inspiration
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