Daily Message Archangel Raziel The Inner Workings

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

Your spiritual gifts and talents are beginning to blossom, but in order for your life to come into greater alignment, it’s important for you to dig below the surface. This is a time to uncover truths, knowledge, and anything else that is being hidden from sight, including in your own life. Angels want you to understand that spiritual work isn’t just about learning or reading, it’s also a deep internal excavation where you begin to see that all that you have faced, learned, and overcome is part of a greater unfolding that allows you to live with meaning and purpose.

This isn’t a time for you to hold back. Lean into your gifts with confidence, knowing that they are taking you toward an even more aligned experience on Earth. If you are feeling any resistance at this time, it shows that you want to make a difference and are concerned about doing things right. This awareness is what will lead you to greater knowledge and the expression of the talents that will help you heal others.

Raziel’s name means “Secrets of God” and he is the angel who governs all the sacred laws and workings of the Universe. This incredible angelic being is dedicated to those who want to live with purpose and leave a legacy of healing on the Earth. If you are someone who feels that there are unseen spiritual laws governing your life, or you want to have a deeper, more personal understanding of God, the Universe, and all things spiritual, Raziel is the angelic guide who can help you take that deep soul dive.

DECK: The 22 Archangels Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard

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