Daily Message Archangel Uriel Learning

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

Your Message
It’s time to take an inventory of your life. Recognizing where you are and how far you have come is essential for the next stage of your evolution. Some situations and challenges have not worked out favorably, but this has led you to your gifts and ignited an inner determination. Your angels are here now to encourage you through this time of inquiry and learning, so that you can reach a deeper state of awareness and initiate great spiritual growth.

If you’ve been wondering about a particular situation or challenge in your life, the message today is that this is an essential lesson that will lead to growth. You may feel you’re in a funk or stuck at this time, because you’re in the thick of it, but soon the clouds will part and the light will shine once more. Know that things do get better from here. In the meantime, call in your angels and invite them to shed light on any darkness so that you can be directed toward your highest good and truth.

Extended Message
Uriel, “God’s Light,” is the angel of light. Brilliant like the sun, shedding light on anyone or anything that needs to be seen for understanding and spiritual growth, he comes to us when it’s a time for awareness and answers.

He will shine his torch of light upon our life and help us weigh up our options and obtain the facts in order to make the best decision.

Uriel is also the angel who comes to help us in education and higher learning, so that we can be the best version of ourselves.

Deck: 22 Archangels Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

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