Daily Message Higher Heart Activation

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, Universe, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

You have experienced much fear, separation, and heartache in your lifetime. This has encouraged you to close off and shield yourself from possible hurt. For a long time, you’ve been trying to open yourself back up, but have been concerned about being far too vulnerable. This card shows you have realized that love isn’t something you have to work for or search for, but your divine inheritance. You have also recognized that this energy isn’t something that comes through relationships or external experiences, but is your natural state of being. The more you close off, the more you close off from your true self. The more you drop your shields, the more love is revealed. The more you express the love you are, the more it is reflected back to you. Love is your truth.

The higher heart chakra is the most ascended form of the heart chakra. It’s found in the center of the chest in the heart region and is seen clairvoyantly as a pink color. The reason that this energy center is pink is because it’s the opposite/complementary of green, which is red, with the white light of spirit. Through this stargate of the heart we have the potential to connect with divine love, the love that exists in all things, and experience “the heaven within.”

This card transports us to the higher heart space, where we can recognize that love is not an external essence, but a light we hold within. It has been there through every lifetime. When the higher heart becomes active, it’s a recognition that the search for love has ended and the excavation of the heart has finally begun.

Place your hand on your heart and affirm: “I am love. Love is my truth. Love is my inheritance. I allow love to be my experience. I am love.”

Deck: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

When your intention is combined with the imagery of the cards and the empowering messages in the accompanying guidebook, divine wisdom is activated within.
Kyle Gray

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