Daily Message Honour Your Feelings

You’re allowed to be emotional and it’s completely natural to express your emotions. The Angels are encouraging you to acknowledge how you feel and express that in a positive and loving way. You are a sensitive soul, and probably more sensitive at this time, but this is great. When you express your emotions, you’re expressing how much you care about a situation. And when you begin to acknowledge how you feel, you come into a deeper alignment with yourself.

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”

Your sensitivity is not a curse, but a gift from God. You are being encouraged to clear your emotions out by honoring how you feel and being honest with yourself. You will then be able to express who you truly are and will come into alignment with the gifts and talents you have to share with the world.

DECK: Angel Prayers Oracle
ARTIST: Jason Mccreadie

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