Odin is the Norse ‘all-father’ god who is revered to the present day. He is a powerful all-seeing, all-knowing god. His twin flame is Freya and, like her, he has a raven totem. The story goes that he surrendered one of his eyes at a mystical spring called Mimir so that he could gain the wisdom of the ages. He is a strong but somewhat wild character who helps us reawaken our natural psychic instincts and open our third eye so we can look beyond the physical senses and into the spiritual realms. He also helps us recognize that it’s okay to have insights into what’s happening next. After all, we are the creators of our path. Odin guards the runic alphabet, too, and works closely with signs, symbols and omens.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
You are being encouraged to look beyond what your physical eyes are showing you. Look within and follow your intuition or psychic visions. You may want to plan ahead at this time. It’s important to keep your mind and energy focused on the best possible outcome. There will be signs and symbols from the light to tell you that you are on the right path. Be aware of winged beings gracing your path as a wink from Odin and the light keepers to say that they are honoring your work.
DECK: Keepers of the Light Oracle
ARTIST: Lily Moses
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