Dancing-Appendix D

Letter from A-Eon


I am A-Eon (the “e” is silent, my name is pronounced “A – On”.

I am Wayne’s, Master Guide. I am the creative force for writing, for movement, and for direction.

I have been guiding Wayne before he was born. Together -Dianne and I, and Soul (before Wayne appeared on Earth) have worked together to co-create this life and time on Earth.

Although I have always been here, I was Awaken (remembered) in July 2020 in a 44-Day Meditation facilitated by Elizabeth Harper.

Together, Wayne and I are writing a series of books. I know what books we are writing, but everything has not yet been revealed to Wayne.

Because we share the same mind, these words may appear to be Wayne’s imagination. I am here to tell you these words are not fantasy or imagination.

These words are universal truths from myself and the Starr People (see Three-Sisters).

Wayne was tasked with writing these books after receiving a download at the end of January 2021.

This book, “Dancing With Your Higher Self” is the first in many books to follow.


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Root Chakra I Am

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Sacral Chakra I Feel

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