Happy Family Oracle Card

The rainbow over this happy family portends a time of joy and celebration. Close connections are available, so don’t overlook the fun and frivolity that a friend or family experience can bring. The value that you find in a truly loving relative or friend brings a higher vibration to your life force. You may be distracted or busy, but remember to put this part of your life in the forefront of your priorities.

If you are single, finding this card in your spread could indicate a potential meeting (and perhaps relationship) with someone who has children from a previous marriage. This ready-made family might bring some challenges, but it could be your destiny in this lifetime.

This card may also simply signify a celebration coming up, such as a wedding, anniversary, or birthday party. Enjoy!

I open myself to a new and deeper experience of family, and I am ready to see greater happiness there. I know that I am the loving family I need.

DECK: Energy Oracle Cards

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