The Temple Path Oracle Card

Receiving this card represents your own spiritual evolution. The winding path you are on leads to a blessed temple in a lovely garden, symbolizing the spiritual destiny your soul has had in mind for this lifetime. This card is here to tell you that what you are going through right now is all part of your soul’s process. You are on your karmic path and heading in the right direction, and the choices you make now are important for your personal growth and life lessons.

The lights around the temple represent the spirit world – your family members and friends, angels, and guides – all the loving spirit helpers who long to assist you. Call upon them to be open to their wisdom and inspiration.

This is a wonderful, life-expending time, so keep in mind your personal priorities as well as your spiritual connection. Following your higher intentions will help you move your life forward in dramatic ways, and connecting with spirit – and your higher self – will have a wonderful influence on all that you experience.

I open my heart to my spiritual truth and a deeper connection with spirit. Guidance and inspiration come freely and easily to me.

DECK: Energy Oracle Cards

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