Throat Chakra I Speak

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and is associated with communication, creativity, and self-expression. This chakra is also associated with hearing and being heard.

Location: Base of the throat

Color: Blue

Element: Ether (Space)

Short Affirmation – I Speak

Main Functions – Expression and Communication

Areas of the Body – Throat, mouth, jaw, tongue, pharynx, palate, shoulders and neck.

Associated with:

• Expression [To express your truth – To speak out]

• Communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal

• Connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities

• Propensity to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality

• Realizing your vocation, purpose

• Good sense of timing

When the Throat Chakra is balanced there is clarity of expression with our inner voice, having the ability to communicate confidently and be our authentic selves. In addition, we are open to listening and to hearing others. If the throat chakra is unbalanced, we may be unable to speak clearly and express ourselves. Or we may speak in a low voice and not have a “voice” in the world.

Throat Chakra Color – Blue

The Throat Chakra element ether (space), so it reflects the color bright blue, like the sky. The color blue is calming and is perceived with communication, honesty, and empathy.

Throat Chakra Symbol

The Throat Chakra symbol is a lotus flower with sixteen petals. The lotus symbolizes purity and spiritual awakening, while the sixteen petals represent the sixteen vowel sounds of the Sanskrit language.

How to Balance the Throat Chakra

Chakras may be described as underactive or overactive but are never blocked.

There are a variety of practices that can balance your chakras. The goal is always to restore your chakras for overall health and well-being.

Self-Care Practices

• Yoga

• Guided Meditation

• Crystals

• Essential Oils

• Positive Affirmations

Complementary Therapies

• Acupuncture

• Massage

• Reiki

• Crystal Reiki

• Sound Healing

Throat Chakra Crystals – Blue

Stones: Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Apatite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite

Throat Chakra Affirmations

Repeat these affirmations for positive vibrations and to bring balance to your throat chakra.

• I communicate confidently and with ease.

• I trust my inner voice and intuition.

• I am comfortable expressing myself in any situation.

• I communicate with respect and courage.

• I express myself creatively and uniquely.

Book a No-Cost Discovery Session

Your Discovery Session is an opportunity to answer any of your questions and to find out if a Sound Healing Session or a Crystal Reiki Session is the best fit for your overall health.

Book Today – Your Discovery Session

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