A brilliant light of protection is around you at this time. Angels are guiding and guarding you and want you to know that you are safe. Whether you’re feeling worried about physical, emotional, or spiritual harm or not, this card is confirming that you have spiritual protection. Your angel guide is supporting you and leading you toward positive experiences and outcomes. If you have decisions to make or opportunities to take and you are unsure what to do, know that this card is bringing you comfort and support. The angels who are with you only need a prayer from you in order to swoop in and guide you.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
You are protected. The worst is now behind you and you are ready to move beyond the challenges that you have been facing. The past has gone and your angel guide is encouraging you to let it go. If traumatic or painful memories have revisited you recently, know that they are opportunities to recognize how far you have come and acknowledged how much healing has taken place in your life. When you have reflected on these shifts, leave the past behind and move forward. The present is only a gift if you are able to receive it. If you are facing the unknown at this time, know that your angel guide will show you the next steps and you will be surrounded by a spiritual force‐field that will protect you on all levels as you move forward.
Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you, angels, for reminding me of your presence and for revealing to me what I need to know. ~ I am willing to listen and receive.
Kyle Gray
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Angel Card Reading or Pick Your Deck Reading
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