Ask and you shall receive. Your angel guide wants you to know that help is available. You are being encouraged to shift your perceptions and recognize that even in the most difficult of circumstances, a miracle is possible. Whatever miracle you need, it is available to you now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to recognize that you may have been blocking support by saying no to the things you wanted to say yes to and asking you to change that now. When you begin to say yes to the experiences that light you up, you usher increased levels of support into your life.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
You may feel that your prayers aren’t being heard, but this isn’t true. Angels have heard you and are suggesting you take time to assess where in your work or relationships you may be creating barriers to success. When you are open to seeing and doing things differently, you will experience the answers and miracles you need. You are being encouraged to pray from a space of gratitude now. When you focus on what you are grateful for, you align your energy with the miraculous. Heaven is encouraging you to welcome support in all areas of your life.
Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you, angels, for reminding me of your presence and for revealing to me what I need to know. ~ I am willing to listen and receive.
Kyle Gray
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
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