When was the last time you walked barefoot outside? Joining with the Earth in this simple fashion can help you feel grounded and connected.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, guides and angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
Define what stability feels like for you so that you can create that sense of security for yourself, even during the most turbulent of times. For most of us, self-discovery is a lifelong endeavor, but stay true to your core values – to what makes you, you. This is how to become secure in your career, your home life, or any other aspect of your world, physical or spiritual. Consider what self-care methods would help support a solid foundation so that you can devote energy to other areas of your life. You can have roots and still fly.
Affirm: I am grounded and connected to the Earth.
Today, stand tall, close your eyes, and visualize yourself rooted in the ground.
DECK: Daily Crystal Inspiration
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