Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, Universe, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

Angels are drawing close at this time, so be open to signs and synchronicities that confirm this. It’s important for you to know that through your actions, choices, and service, you have upgraded your spiritual connection and your frequency. Rejoice, for you may be rewarded with abundance and blessings at this time, and you have been making choices that are not just for your own greater good, but for that of all those around you. Your guardian angel is with you now, helping you remember your infinite power and potential. Reach for the stars and trust that all the efforts you have been making, both internally and externally, will bring blessings and opportunities. The path you are on is aligned to your highest good, and the support you need is there for you. You are cherished by angels.
Deck: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
When your intention is combined with the imagery of the cards and the empowering messages in the accompanying guidebook, divine wisdom is activated within.
Kyle Gray
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