Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, Universe, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

Great change is coming to you, but this can only occur if you are willing to shift your perception. You may be experiencing resistance to change, but please know this is simply fear of the new, not intuition. If you are wondering what is the best course of action, the Annunaki are encouraging you to go with the new. Old systems, old ways of being, and old ways of doing things must be released if you are to evolve. Change can bring a sense of vulnerability, but will allow you to make a deeper connection to your feelings, gifts, and what is important to you. You are standing at a gateway of pure potential that will be ignited as soon as you move through this necessary change. Be open to new information, new processes, and new ideas. You are part of the new energy upon the Earth.
Deck: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
When your intention is combined with the imagery of the cards and the empowering messages in the accompanying guidebook, divine wisdom is activated within.
Kyle Gray
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