Daily Message Archangel Jeremiel Personal Responsibility

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

”Jeremiel, “God’s Mercy,” is a powerful angel who shines a light on the aspects of our life that need reflection and honesty in order for us to move forward with love and authenticity. He helps us understand and embody what it really means to have mercy and reach a state of forgiveness. Just by sensing his presence, we may feel guided to let go of an old story that’s holding us in our past, so that we can experience the miracle of our present.

The energy of forgiveness is here, waiting to be called in and embodied. Angels are here too, inviting you to take a step back and review your current situation before moving forward. If you have received feedback or identified that your choices or actions have been to the detriment of someone around you, it’s important to own your part of it. It’s not easy taking responsibility for actions that hurt others, especially if that wasn’t your intention, but you will feel better about owning your part than defending your actions. And in turn, this will welcome in the energy of peace.

Your angels know that you can give yourself a hard time, so this isn’t encouragement to beat yourself up over past choices, rather an opportunity to demonstrate how far you’ve come on the journey of personal discovery and spiritual responsibility. Angels are here to remind you that without mistakes you wouldn’t be who or where you are today. So, have some compassion for yourself and forgive yourself for what has happened. Remember the only thing you can change is how you act now. This will lead to serious upgrades and upleveling on your spiritual path.

Deck: The 22 Archangels Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

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