Cernunnos (pronounced Ker- nun-os), also known as Herne, is a Celtic stag god who represents connection to the Earth. He is one of the oldest recognized Celtic gods and features on the Gundestrup cauldron, a giant silver vessel from the Iron Age. He is the lover of the Great Mother and impregnates the land so that it will be filled with life. He can help us form a connection with the animal spirits and ancestors of our land.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
There is a deep build-up of life-force within you now and a need to channel it into action. You may have extra energy or be more alert than usual, or be aware of a sense of increased sensual or sexual energy. If you have been unsure how this ties into your spiritual path, know that it can allow you to access the richness of your soul. When we are not expressing ourselves sexually, our spiritual potential can become tamed or muted, so if you are denying yourself a desire, ask yourself how you can fulfill it. Ask Cernunnos to help you access your sexual self so that you can express it with integrity, and in a way that honors your soul. If you and your partner are trying for a child and this card appears, fertility is very possible, especially if Brigid, Cernunnos’s twin flame, is present too.
DECK: Keepers of the Light Oracle
ARTIST: Lily Moses
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