Daily Message Lady Venus

Lady Venus is the twin flame of Sanat Kumara and is said to reside on the astral realm surrounding the planet Venus. The light beings of Venus, known as Venusians, are now coming to lightworkers on Earth to help them with their connections, understanding and capacity to share divine love. Lady Venus is a wonderful keeper of the light to call on when you are trying to forge a connection with the heavens, or finding it difficult to understand the signs, symbols and guidance that are being sent to you physically or through meditation. She also allows us to connect with or focus on particular energies so we can understand them more. If you are studying a spiritual subject at this time, call on Lady Venus to help you.

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”

Hearing high-pitched noises, seeing flickers of light and having the sense that beings are visiting you in your sleep are all signs that you are receiving ‘downloads’ from heaven. Whenever this is happening, spend some time in contemplation so that you can ask the universe what you really need to know. This card also represents downloads of information being received by your mind. Know that the universe sees you as capable of holding soul-centered information that will help you and others
reach a new level of understanding.

DECK: Keepers of the Light Oracle
ARTIST: Lily Moses

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