Cast off the old. Reveal your true colors, talents, and gifts to the world.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
The energy of renewal is washing over your life at this time. If for some reason you feel that your true self hasn’t been recognized or you’ve been misread by others, know the energy is now leaving you. As you’ve been working through your old stories and all the self-limiting beliefs that you’ve accumulated along the way, you’ve been peeling away a shield of skin that has created limiting experiences. Your own personal commitment to growth has been recognized and now the external world will begin to reflect all of the work that you’ve been doing within. If you feel someone you love has misunderstood you recently, they will be able to see beyond that if you’re willing to recognize your own challenges. This is a time for renewal, abundance, and connection. Let yourself be reborn and celebrated.
DECK: Angels and Ancestors Oracle
ARTIST: Lily Moses
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