There is more spiritual support around you then you realize. There are Angels before you, behind you, above you, and on all sides. These divine beings are here to guide, reassure and love you. Feel the the blessings of the Angels who are surrounding you at this time so that they can help you be more at peace and free of any restrictions in your life. You are supported by Angels on every step of your spiritual journey. Open your heart and accept this support.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
The Angelic realm is supporting you at this time with regards to decisions you have made. You have been unsure about some areas of your life and they want to assure you that all is well and guided. They are offering help with any concerns you have at this time and encouraging you to become aware that they are supporting you in every area of your life, including the challenging ones. Be aware that every part of your life is part of your spiritual journey and you will be guided all the way.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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