Embrace the change that is on the horizon. Allow your dreams to become reality.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
You are ready to bring life to all of your ideas, inspirations and projects. When this card appears, you are moving into a space that allows you to really grow, expand and create in a way you’ve never done before. There are opportunities for abundance, including financial growth, and if you’re starting something new, prepare for a major expansion in your life and soul.
When the Spring card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last care in a reading, it can also indicate that the coming spring will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intention.
DECK: Angels and Ancestors Oracle
ARTIST: Lily Moses
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Angel Card Reading or Pick Your Deck Reading
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