The Angels have seen that you’ve been rushing around with your chores and hectic schedule, and they see the toil it’s been taking on your inner peace. They are encouraging you to take some time out and breathe! It is so important for your well-being that you get some rest and allow your energy to catch up with your physical being. When you have too much going on at once and you rush around, you get less done. So slow down your pace, take your time, breathe deeply, enjoy the air around you and you will complete your tasks.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
By taking the time out to breathe before you start your day or at the end to digest the events of the hours gone by, you will give yourself the time and space to review the positive experiences you’ve had. When you rush around so much, you see less and don’t get to enjoy the peace, the happiness, and the blessings. When you take time to breathe and enjoy the beautiful air, you will also begin to recognize the divine blessings and people in your life. You’re here to enjoy life, not rush straight through it. So, relax and breathe. As you do so, you will draw divine Angels even closer to your heart.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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