Daily Message The Divine Physician

Your Angels can see that you need a boost of light and energy at this time. Together with Archangel Raphael, they are filling your body, mind, and soul with healing energy. So, take some time out to care for your whole being. Close your eyes and allow Archangel Raphael and the healing Angels to place their hands upon you. You are blessed to receive this card today because healing is being brought to you on all levels. Accept it.

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”

Healing doesn’t begin in the body, it begins in the mind and soul. It isn’t your body that determines how you feel, but your mind that determines what state your body is in. Think healing, positive thoughts at this time, and be grateful for what’s good about your body and your health. As you recognize the health benefits you already have, more will be brought to you. You may well find that the healing Angels are also here to help you heal others, but in order to do this, you must ensure that you yourself are in good health. So, heal within, then share what you’ve learned with the world.

DECK: Angel Prayers Oracle
ARTIST: Jason Mccreadie

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