Center Yourself
Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Go inside yourself to find your sacred center. This is the place where power resides in your body.
Humpback Whales
Humpback whales make the longest journey of any mammal. They travel 22,000 km every year. They spend the summer months near polar regions, and in the winter, they journey toward the equator to tropical waters. Among some native tribes, whales are considered to be protectors of travelers and journeyers as well as guardians of the sea. This card indicates that no matter what your journey is and where it takes you, you have protectors at your side.

The Sacred Landscape Wants You To Know
Get ready; you are about to embark on a journey. It might be an inner sojourn or an outer voyage to a distant land. It might be a project or idea that is coming to life. But most certainly you are an intrepid traveler, sailing forth into the unknown. Where do you want to go? What have you always wanted to do or be? This is the time to make it happen. Get prepared. Have a clear vision of what you want to experience, but also be prepared for the unexpected…that is part of the exhilaration of being a traveler. Remember to enjoy the journey as much as reaching the destination.
Deck: Sacred Destiny Oracle Cards
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