This is a time for coming together. Friendship and other connections are important now. There is strengthening in your bonds with others and your capacity to know who “your people” are. You are surrounded by incredible, insightful, and encouraging people at this time, and it’s important to enjoy the friendships and other connections you have. If you have felt disconnected or out of place for some time, know that you are moving into a far more supportive and joyful space now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to connect deeply with those you trust most. Ask yourself how you can bring the whole of yourself into your friendships and relationships. Be present, listen, open up, smile, laugh, venture forth, and enjoy this time.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!”
If you have felt left out recently or have been wondering if you can trust those around you, angels are giving you clear insights and information to help. Don’t concern yourself about any relationships or friendships that have been fading into the background. What’s important is that your vibration and energy will attract friends with whom you can be yourself and who can mirror back to you who you are.
If there’s something missing in a particularly important friendship, know that your angel guide is inviting you to ask yourself: “What is missing here? How can I supply it?”
If you feel that you are struggling to make friends or you don’t know who your friends are, invite your angels to assist you in making connections with those who can share and receive in a loving, balanced way. Your angel friends are ready to help you form incredible unions.
Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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