Intuition is often described as a mysterious and magical aspect of human experience, guiding decisions and providing insights that seem to come from beyond the rational mind. The ‘Clair’ senses, often associated with psychic abilities, are extensions of our conventional five senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. Among the many facets of intuition, these are the four primary types of ‘Clairs’: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance. Each of these ‘Clairs’ represents a different way in which intuitive information can be received and processed.

Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing,” is perhaps the most well-known of these abilities. It involves receiving intuitive information through visual images, symbols, or scenes that appear in the mind’s eye. People with this gift might see flashes of insight, future events, or even messages from spiritual entities.
Clairaudience, or “clear hearing,” is the ability to receive intuitive information through auditory means. This psychic ability allows individuals to receive auditory messages, often described as a voice in the mind. For those who experience clairaudience, these messages can manifest in various ways, including words, phrases, or even full conversations. The information received can provide guidance, insight, and support, often serving as a valuable tool for personal growth and understanding.
Clairsentience, or “clear feeling,” involves receiving intuitive information through physical sensations or emotions. People with clairsentient abilities might feel someone else’s emotions as if they were their own or experience physical sensations that provide clues about a situation. This deep empathetic connection can be incredibly insightful for understanding the emotional undercurrents of interactions and environments.
Claircognizance, or “clear knowing,” is the ability to just know something without any physical evidence or logical reasoning. This form of intuition often comes as a sudden insight or an unshakeable sense of certainty about a topic. Those with claircognizant abilities might find that they have a knack for solving problems, predicting outcomes, or providing profound insights without knowing exactly how they came to these conclusions.
The last two intuitive gifts which some people sense are clairalience and clairgustance. Clairalience, or “clear smelling,” involves perceiving scents that have no physical source, often associated with spirits or memories. Angels may leave scents, especially of flowers. Lastly, clairgustance, or “clear tasting,” is the rare ability to taste substances without putting anything in one’s mouth, often linked to spiritual experiences or messages.
Understanding these ‘Clairs’ can help individuals recognize and develop their intuitive gifts. In addition, guides and angels may let you know of their presence by your five senses. For example, you may smell your mother’s favorite flower when she is present or you might taste a favorite food or beverage when a family member is present.
Finally, if you are asking a question, your guide or angel can send a symbol or a picture faster, rather than a series of words to formulate a message. ASK your guides to send an image so you will know when they are present or ask your guide to touch you, for example, right arm, left arm, r.shoulder, l.shoulder, back of neck, r.neck, l.neck, etc.
By becoming more attuned to how they receive intuitive information, people can enhance their decision-making processes, deepen their self-awareness, and cultivate a greater connection with the world around them.