What is Reiki – Part 2

[Excerpt from Traditional Usui Reiki Level I, II, Master Manual by Lisa Powers]
[begin, page 3]
[All of us] intuitively use Reiki energy [although we are unaware it is Reiki energy]. When we were children and were hurt, we were soothed by our Mother’s caring touch. A symbolic kiss to make it better actually did ease the pain as Mother and child used Reiki energy to soothe and heal. We naturally hold and protect areas that we have injured and in doing so are also drawing in Reiki energy to those parts to help them recover. This energy is plentiful and is available to everyone. There is no single person or organization that holds the rights to this energy. Reiki is not trademarked or patented. The only thing you need to access Reiki energy is the intention to align yourself to it and then the willingness to surrender your intellect so your heart can lead the way. [end page 3]

[continued, page 5]
…When a practitioner is performing a healing session, the energy that emanates from their hands produce a significantly larger biomagnetic reading (7-10Hz – Theta and Alpha range) than a nonpractitioner. These frequencies are associated with physical healing.

Contentment, relaxation, decreased feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety as well as a reduction, and in some cases, elimination of physical illnesses and persistent conditions are common observations from clients after a Reiki session. There are countless case studies and anecdotal research verifying the effects of Reiki sessions. [end page 5]

[continued, page 6]
…During a Reiki session, the practitioner places their hands on or just above a client’s body. The practitioner conducts universal energy from their arms, and out through their hands where it flows into the client’s body. When a practitioner and client come together they are the two oscillating/vibrating objects discussed in the definition of entrainment. Every cell in our body and every atom in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. The tendency for two objects is to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. In most cases, the weaker of the two oscillating objects will have a tendency to adjust to the stronger vibration which is Reiki energy.

In a Reiki session, the practitioner does not rely on their own personal energy, rather they are conduits for focusing the energy from the world around them [Think of a Lamp (client) – Power Cord (practitioner) – Wall socket (Universal energy). We are born with the innate intelligence of Reiki and it illuminates our body-mind, stimulating balance and growth. Over time, however, habits and beliefs that do not serve our highest good can stifle that flow of energy resulting in a loss of vitality and eventually imbalance. [end]

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