Storm Warning Oracle Card

Storm Warning Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card indicates a potential difficulty – either in the external world or within yourself and your emotional life. the difficulty is coming closer, and you may have already heard rumblings of potential problems around you. The caution here is to be conscious, yet not fearful. Consider what’s going on and look at the…

Indecision Oracle Card

Indecision Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card marks the presence of two (or more) possible choices in your life. It shows you anxiously looking at two roads, wondering which would be the better choice. Yet you are standing still, feeling confused by the up-and-down emotions of your indecision. You could spend days, months, or even years in this back-and-forth…

Community Oracle Card

Community Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows three women celebrating, sharing ideas, and supportive energy. The lights in the picture represent your ever-present spirit community as well. This card indicates an association of some kind. It may be a casual connection of like-minded people, joining a club, or community of some sort, or even a business partnership consisting…

Contract Oracle Card

Contract Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows a contract in the background, ready to be signed, indicating a committed connection of some sort. This union may be a business deal, the sale of a homme, a new job, or even a commitment in marriage. Whatever the connection, this card is more than a casual agreement. It’s usually something…

Attachment Oracle Card

Attachment Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card reveals that your passage forward is being stopped by strong attachments to old patterns or people from the past. The chain at your wrist is bolted to fear from the past or desperation about the future. Although you may wear the mask of pretense or even contentment, you simply cannot seem to…

Happy Family Oracle Card

Happy Family Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThe rainbow over this happy family portends a time of joy and celebration. Close connections are available, so don’t overlook the fun and frivolity that a friend or family experience can bring. The value that you find in a truly loving relative or friend brings a higher vibration to your life force. You may…

Journey Oracle Card

Journey Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEPack your bags! The Journey card foretells upcoming travel or a shift in location. It may be as simple as a vacation, a retreat or a class, or even a work-related trip. This card could also signal a move of residence or job relocation. Your plans should go off without a hitch. Still, be…

The Sun Oracle Card

The Sun Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThe sun brings blessings to the earth, and this card portends blessings in your own life as well. Just as the sun nurtures the earth, bringing new life in the spring and summer, this is your time for a new beginning, the onset of a nurturing, new light in your life — the light…