Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

The inner child is the part of our psyche that represents our childhood. Everyone, no matter who they are, has had traumatic childhood experiences that may be impacting their lives today. And you have endured so much in your life. You are a real survivor. Drawing this card indicates that no matter what has happened,…

Strategy Oracle Card

Strategy Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows a pen, journal, compass, and key. This card indicates that this is the optimum time for setting up a very specific strategy for achieving your goals. Write about the direction you want to go in. Consider any potential change in course that may be needed. Be aware of the particulars regarding…

Power and Intention

Power and Intention

When you align your intentions with the highest good and act with love and consideration, your power is intensified. When you draw this card, your angels are drawing close to remind you of this. You have the capacity to be a leader and guide at this time and you are being encouraged to align with…

Daily Message She-Wolf

Daily Message She-Wolf

Let your wild side up and out! Unleash your talents and your desires. DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” YOUR MESSAGEYou are being rewilded at this time – guided to reconnect with your…

Courage and Bravery

Courage and Bravery

You have the heart of a warrior. You want to do what’s right, but it isn’t always easy. Angels are surrounding you in a light of courage at this time and guiding you to do what you know deep down in your heart is right. Being brave isn’t about being emotionless—the angels are reminding you…

Anxiety Oracle Card

Anxiety Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThe woman on this card is filled with anxiety, worrying about something that causes her a great deal of discomfort. This card may indicate you’re experiencing a time of increasing stress – perhaps even a situation that you find yourself brooding about much of the time. However, if you’ll notice the scene outside the…