Crystal Inspiration Agate

Crystal Inspiration Agate

GET BACK INTO BALANCE. Now is the time for mastering your equilibrium. Reevaluate how you spend your time and energy to ensure your efforts are aligned with the priorities in your life. PAUSE – BREATHE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, guides and angels, for revealing…

Strategy Oracle Card

Strategy Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows a pen, journal, compass, and key. This card indicates that this is the optimum time for setting up a very specific strategy for achieving your goals. Write about the direction you want to go in. Consider any potential change in course that may be needed. Be aware of the particulars regarding…

Anxiety Oracle Card

Anxiety Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThe woman on this card is filled with anxiety, worrying about something that causes her a great deal of discomfort. This card may indicate you’re experiencing a time of increasing stress – perhaps even a situation that you find yourself brooding about much of the time. However, if you’ll notice the scene outside the…

Action Oracle Card

Action Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card tells you that now is the time for more aggressive forward movement. The galloping horses represent intentional and concerted action directed to your goals. This card indicates that you are on the right track, but your determined efforts must be increased. The white horse is inner action of spirit and thought, the…

Patience Oracle Card

Patience Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows a beautiful angel holding a clock in the stillness of winter. Her quiet, peaceful energy is telling you that it’s time to release the ole urgency and to look at things with a much clearer perspective. This card is telling you to relax and let go of the single-minded desperation that’s…

Appreciation Oracle Card

Appreciation Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows a woman holding a single rose. She enjoys the scent and beauty of the single blossom. Yet around and behind her are bramble bushes. She could be focusing on these, worried that she might get caught up in their prickly branches of difficulty. Instead, she’s passing to experience the blessings of…