Take time to balance out your life. You’re trying to be everywhere at once and you’ll be feeling out of synch because of this. Taking time for yourself is an important step, but also balance out your work schedule and home life. When you slow down and create a schedule, you’ll feel as though you have more time.
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:
“Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
The Angels know how busy you are and that you like to do as much as you can. They are here to guide you to balance out your life because they know how tired and drained you feel trying to complete all of the tasks you have set for yourself. It’s important for you to know what balance is and how much you can do without over-exerting yourself in any way. You have the ability to balance out your home, work, family, and social life so that you can feel strong, healthy, and empowered.
DECK: Angel Prayers Oracle
ARTIST: Jason Mccreadie
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