Raise Your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration

It’s time to move up a level. It’s time to fly high. You may have experienced some setbacks or felt low recently, but that is behind you now and you have the opportunity to light up like never before. Everything in the entire universe is comprised of energy, and that energy vibrates, drawing toward it…

Sacred Plan

Sacred Plan

This card doesn’t represent the plan that God has for your life, more the plan that comes to fruition based on your intentions and your highest good. You have been given the incredible gift of free will and therefore your thoughts, deeds, actions, and intentions are in some way going out into the universe and…

Blessings and Abundance

Blessings and Abundance

A light of blessings and abundance is being wrapped around you now and your angels want you to know that they are supporting you. They are encouraging you to trust in your intuition and any other guidance you are receiving at this time, as it will lead you toward tremendous growth and fulfillment. Many blessings…

Harmony and Resolution

Harmony and Resolution

Angels of harmony and healing are with you to help you resolve any conflicts that have been disturbing your inner peace. You are being encouraged to call in the light of God and surrender any concerns you have so that the divine can resolve them. Your angel guide is suggesting you release any need to…

Ease and Grace

Ease and Grace

This is a time to learn and adapt. You are being guided to slow down, take your time, take in the current moment, and allow space for events to occur. You often put too much pressure and expectation on yourself, and this is not required. Also, with constant effort and rush, you’ll find yourself becoming…

Ask and Receive

Ask and Receive

Ask and you shall receive. Your angel guide wants you to know that help is available. You are being encouraged to shift your perceptions and recognize that even in the most difficult of circumstances, a miracle is possible. Whatever miracle you need, it is available to you now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to…

Earth and Ground

Earth and Ground

You may be feeling discombobulated or “all over the place” at this time, most likely because you are spreading yourself too thin and taking on too many projects at once. So your angel guide is encouraging you to get grounded. When you come back to Earth, you will have a clearer insight into who you…

Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

The inner child is the part of our psyche that represents our childhood. Everyone, no matter who they are, has had traumatic childhood experiences that may be impacting their lives today. And you have endured so much in your life. You are a real survivor. Drawing this card indicates that no matter what has happened,…

Power and Intention

Power and Intention

When you align your intentions with the highest good and act with love and consideration, your power is intensified. When you draw this card, your angels are drawing close to remind you of this. You have the capacity to be a leader and guide at this time and you are being encouraged to align with…

Courage and Bravery

Courage and Bravery

You have the heart of a warrior. You want to do what’s right, but it isn’t always easy. Angels are surrounding you in a light of courage at this time and guiding you to do what you know deep down in your heart is right. Being brave isn’t about being emotionless—the angels are reminding you…