Sacred Destiny Oracle Cards

Sacred Destiny Oracle Cards

“You have a sacred destiny; we all do. …” From the earliest history of mankind, there are records of native people using the signs in nature to determine their destiny. Wise elders were able to move through mystic gateways into inner realms, and bring back wisdom and guidance to their tribes. In this powerful oracle…

Daily Message Change

Daily Message Change

Center YourselfTake a few deep, relaxing breaths. Go inside yourself to find your sacred center. This is the place where power resides in your body. Dancing CloudsThroughout time people have looked to the heavens for signs, and in the ever-changing movement of the clouds… The Sacred Landscape Wants You To KnowIt’s okay to change your…

Daily Message Protection

Daily Message Protection

Center YourselfTake a few deep, relaxing breaths. Go inside yourself to find your sacred center. This is the place where power resides in your body. Guardian OakIn many traditions, the Oak Tree is associated with wisdom, strength, and protection. One of the many remarkable things about the oak is that from the smallest acorn, a…

Daily Message Stillness

Daily Message Stillness

Center YourselfTake a few deep, relaxing breaths. Go inside yourself to find your sacred center. This is the place where power resides in your body. Frozen TundraThe tundra is a stark and severe landscape found in both the southern and northern hemispheres.It is usually bereft of most plant and animal life, and can only support…

Daily Message Voyage

Daily Message Voyage

Center YourselfTake a few deep, relaxing breaths. Go inside yourself to find your sacred center. This is the place where power resides in your body. Humpback WhalesHumpback whales make the longest journey of any mammal. They travel 22,000 km every year. They spend the summer months near polar regions, and in the winter, they journey…

Energy Oracle Cards

Energy Oracle Cards

The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to…

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Kyle Gray’s Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck is a powerful spiritual tool that allows you to tap into the profound wisdom and healing support of the angels in a way that will feel real and positive. Using bright, modern imagery together with traditional symbolism, this exciting deck is full of loving messages from the angels,…