Harmony and Resolution

Harmony and Resolution

Angels of harmony and healing are with you to help you resolve any conflicts that have been disturbing your inner peace. You are being encouraged to call in the light of God and surrender any concerns you have so that the divine can resolve them. Your angel guide is suggesting you release any need to…

Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

The inner child is the part of our psyche that represents our childhood. Everyone, no matter who they are, has had traumatic childhood experiences that may be impacting their lives today. And you have endured so much in your life. You are a real survivor. Drawing this card indicates that no matter what has happened,…

Intuition and Downloads

Intuition and Downloads

Hearing high‐pitched noises, seeing flickers of light, and having the sense that beings are visiting you in your sleep are all signs that you are receiving “downloads” from heaven. When you draw this card, your angels want you to know that the feelings you are having and the intuitive urges that you have been feeling…

Joy and Contentment

Joy and Contentment

Be here now. Enjoy the present moment and all of the positive experiences that have unfolded and are continuing to unfold. A wave of contentment is washing over your life. Contentment is about taking time to reflect on your situation, enjoy the moment, and trust that you are always being guided. Your angel team is…

Learning Experience

Learning Experience

You have dedicated a lot of your time, effort, and energy to understanding yourself and the world and have had many experiences recently that have been great teachers. Even though not everything has been easy or perfect, there has been a positive in that you have come to understand yourself, your gifts, and your abilities…

Listen Deeply

Listen Deeply

Angels are sending you guidance and inspiration through your powerful and resonant inner voice. Be ready to listen to that voice now. Listen to yourself. If you aren’t able to hear yourself, you’ll be blocking your connection to the information, insight, and guidance that can support you going forward. If you’ve been ignoring or avoiding…

Daily Message Manifestation

Daily Message Manifestation

Manifestation is the ability to bring our thoughts, dreams, and intentions into reality. The spiritual law of manifestation helps us create, from deep within, energies and experiences that lead us toward greater fulfillment and purpose. You are blessed to have received this angel card today, for it encourages you to recognize your power. You are…

Daily Message No

Daily Message No

Your angels are drawing close at this time to help you recognize that the answer to the question on your mind is no. This is not the time to proceed. You may want to, but you are being encouraged to see beyond the current situation and understand that following through on your ideas may have…