Root Chakra I Am

Root Chakra I Am

The Root Chakra is the first chakra and is associated with your primal needs for survival — food, shelter, safety — and controls your relationships with money, your family, and your physical body, and how you nourish yourself. It is important to have a balanced Root Chakra to create a solid foundation for opening all…

Sacral Chakra I Feel

Sacral Chakra I Feel

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra and is responsible for our well-being, intuition, awakening our creativity, sexual pleasure, and sensuality. It maintains the healthy functioning of our bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs. This energy center assists in letting go, accepting change, and self-transformation in life.  The Sacral Chakra governs our hips, inner thighs, and…

Solar Plexus Chakra I Can

Solar Plexus Chakra I Can

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third chakra, and assists us in being confident, assertive, and supports our intuition to make decisions. This chakra is responsible for our self-esteem, boundaries, and willpower. Location: Upper part of the belly Color: Yellow Element: Fire Short Affirmation – I Can Main Functions – Power, self-confidence, motivation, vitality, and…

Heart Chakra I Love

Heart Chakra I Love

The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra and is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras. The Heart Chakra balances the earthly world, the spiritual world, and our emotional and physical well-being. Pure love opens the fourth chakra, allowing us to receive and give love unconditionally.  Location: Near the Heart, Center of the Chest…

Throat Chakra I Speak

Throat Chakra I Speak

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and is associated with communication, creativity, and self-expression. This chakra is also associated with hearing and being heard. Location: Base of the throat Color: Blue Element: Ether (Space) Short Affirmation – I Speak Main Functions – Expression and Communication Areas of the Body – Throat, mouth, jaw, tongue,…

Third Eye Chakra I See

Third Eye Chakra I See

The Third Eye Chakra is a profound energy center that holds the power to connect us with our intuition, heighten our perception, and illuminate our destined path in life. Location: The Brow, between the eyebrows Color: Deep Indigo Element: Light Short Affirmation – I See Main Functions: Inner Vision – Clairvoyance, higher knowledge, and intuition…