Daily Message Drum

Daily Message Drum

Journey inwards to uncover insights and information that will be important for your path. Then follow the guidance. DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” YOUR MESSAGEYou are very connected to the other worlds…

Crystal Inspiration Amethyst

Crystal Inspiration Amethyst

TRUST YOUR INTUITION. Intuition can speak louder than words. Ultimately, all the answers lie within you. Similar to a gut instinct, your intuition allows you to connect with your inner knowing. PAUSE – BREATHE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, guides and angels, for revealing to…

Daily Message Balance

Daily Message Balance

Take time to balance out your life. You’re trying to be everywhere at once and you’ll be feeling out of synch because of this. Taking time for yourself is an important step, but also balance out your work schedule and home life. When you slow down and create a schedule, you’ll feel as though you…

Daily Message El Morya

Daily Message El Morya

El Morya is a spiritual name that was given to protect the identity of Ranbir Singh, a spiritually aware man born into a powerful family that ruled Kashmir (a region in the Indian subcontinent) in the 19th-century. It is said that he interceded both spiritually and physically to stop the British invasion of the region…

Daily Message Brigid

Daily Message Brigid

Brigid is a Celtic goddess of Ireland who is closely associated with fire and the time of spring. She is the twin flame of Cernunnos. She was so well loved by the Celtic people that when Christianity came to Ireland she was adopted as a saint of holy wells and other holy places. She is…