Daily Message Charity Service

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

This card brings the message that good things happen to good people. If you are feeling stuck or unsure, angels are inviting you to direct your energy toward service and reminding you that when you give, God/the Universe always gives back. Be there for others, be there for the mission you feel called to carry out, be there for those you love deeply, and you can experience love, connection, and support in return.

It’s important to be authentic in your giving and your service, though. Don’t give with the expectation of getting the same energy back, give in the knowledge that generosity is always paving the way to golden opportunities. There is a divine law of compensation unfolding in your life currently and all of your previous commitments and acts of service are creating opportunities for abundance and joy. Give and God will give to you.

DECK: The 22 Archangels Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard

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