Daily Message Holy Amethyst Metamorphosis

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know”.

The best time to change is when change is happening around you. This is a powerful and enlightening moment of your journey, for you are in a process of deep transformation. There’s a good chance that you’re feeling some resistance to the changes occurring at this time—maybe a part of you doesn’t feel ready for them or you don’t fully understand the purpose of them—but you are being guided to trust in the process and surrender to the shifts, for they are moving you into a space of wholeness and healing.

Change isn’t a linear process. Sometimes it will feel as if you’re taking one step forward and three steps back, but they’re all essential and all hold the keys of learning. Energetically, you are like a caterpillar going into the chrysalis, and soon you will have the opportunity to emerge into a more aligned and aware state. If you try to fight the changes that are unfolding around you, you could delay your expansion. So, relax. Angels are with you, leading you to real transformation.

Amethyst, sometimes called Holy Amethyst or Lady Amethyst, is an ascended angelic being and divine feminine archangel connected to the energies of transformation and transmutation. She is the divine counterpart of Zadkiel, the keeper of the Violet Flame, and for that reason has been seen as a guardian of that energy, or even a personification of it. The only documentation of her appears in New Age teachings from the 1980s onward, but she is well regarded and trusted by healers and psychics as an angel who is helping bring in a new Golden Age. Her soul mission is to help us take what has challenged us and transform it into a mission to serve the Earth.

Deck: The 22 Archangels Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

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