Daily Message Lady

Daily Message Lady

Reap what you have sown and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Grow and expand in all areas of your life. DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” YOUR MESSAGEFertility, growth, and abundance are…

Expect Miracles

Expect Miracles

Miracles occur naturally. They are always ready to unfold. Your angels are encouraging you to prepare yourself for miracles now. A miracle doesn’t have to be an extravagant change in circumstances; it can be a simple shift of energy that creates a wave of love in your life. If you need something positive to happen,…

Daily Message Knight

Daily Message Knight

Do the right thing, even if it isn’t the easiest option. Stand for what you know to be right and true. DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” YOUR MESSAGEThe energy of respect is…

Indecision Oracle Card

Indecision Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card marks the presence of two (or more) possible choices in your life. It shows you anxiously looking at two roads, wondering which would be the better choice. Yet you are standing still, feeling confused by the up-and-down emotions of your indecision. You could spend days, months, or even years in this back-and-forth…

Daily Message Hunter

Daily Message Hunter

Track down all of your fearful thoughts and feelings. When you find them, you will find your desires too. DAILY ANGEL MESSAGE!Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer, and then keep reading:“Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” YOUR MESSAGEInstead of being hunted down by your…

Community Oracle Card

Community Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows three women celebrating, sharing ideas, and supportive energy. The lights in the picture represent your ever-present spirit community as well. This card indicates an association of some kind. It may be a casual connection of like-minded people, joining a club, or community of some sort, or even a business partnership consisting…

Contract Oracle Card

Contract Oracle Card

YOUR MESSAGEThis card shows a contract in the background, ready to be signed, indicating a committed connection of some sort. This union may be a business deal, the sale of a homme, a new job, or even a commitment in marriage. Whatever the connection, this card is more than a casual agreement. It’s usually something…