What is a Distance Crystal Reiki Healing Session?

What is a Distance Crystal Reiki Healing Session?

Distance Crystal Healing is the same as any healing session, without the client present. Instead, the practitioner focuses (channels) the Energetic Healing calling forth the client’s name and city or location. Distance Healing enables the Practitioner to give a session beyond the limitations of time and space. It expands the practitioner’s ability to transmit spiritual…

Ten Natural Health Benefits of a Crystal Reiki Healing Session.

Ten Natural Health Benefits of a Crystal Reiki Healing Session.

A Crystal Reiki Healing treatment infuses Crystal Healing – a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals with Reiki Healing – an energy healing modality that supports the body’s natural healing system. This combination of Crystals and Reiki results in an amazing synergistic healing experience. Although both are gentle, non-invasive…

What will I experience during a Crystal Reiki Healing Session?

What will I experience during a Crystal Reiki Healing Session?

A Crystal Reiki Healing session can be in-house at the practitioner’s office or home, and appointments can be set for 1-hour or for 90-minutes. With every in-person session, the client is always fully clothed and lying on a treatment table or sitting comfortably supported in a chair. As the client is receiving, the practitioner lightly…

What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient energy healing modality with its roots in Japanese origin. Reiki is a relaxation technique that supports the body’s natural healing process. The Reiki Master known for Reiki was Mikao Usui (15 August 1865 – 9 March 1926, commonly Usui Mikao in Japanese) was the founder of a form of spiritual practice…

What is Reiki – Part 2

What is Reiki – Part 2

[Excerpt from Traditional Usui Reiki Level I, II, Master Manual by Lisa Powers][begin, page 3][All of us] intuitively use Reiki energy [although we are unaware it is Reiki energy]. When we were children and were hurt, we were soothed by our Mother’s caring touch. A symbolic kiss to make it better actually did ease the…

Can I receive distance healing 100 miles away?

Can I receive distance healing 100 miles away?

Distance Crystal Healing can be done remotely to a client’s location such as home, or office, whether 100 miles away, or in another country. The client can save personal time without having to drive to the Energetic Healing Practioner’s office, and then drive back home. Another advantage is the client’s own personal surroundings. While sitting…

Energy Oracle Cards

Energy Oracle Cards

The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to…

Dancing-Table of Contents

Dancing-Table of Contents

Table of Contents Introduction Listen Connect – Part 1: Your Support Team Connect – Part 2: Your Spirit Team ASK! Service Gratitude Receive Know Dance Appendices APPENDIX A: My Story APPENDIX B: Guides, Angels, and Other Beings APPENDIX C: Dianne APPENDIX D: A-Eon APPENDIX E: Three-Sisters



Revised February 23, 2021Introductionထ111 As we begin to explore the world around us we discover there many concepts and ideas that we only understand with our logical mind. Then one day we are awakened and ask, “What does this idea – this concept actually mean to me?” I had that moment in my 50s when…



Listenထ111 Quiet your mind and Listen! There is more going on in your head than busy mind chatter. Within that chatter are quiet whispers with positive, loving, and supportive messages from your Spirit Team. You may not know you have a Spirit Team, but as you are reading this, your team are the ones who…

Dancing-Connect Part 1

Dancing-Connect Part 1

Connect – Part 1Your Support Teamထ111 Some of you may have already learned how to connect with guides. May I suggest that you put those ideas on pause and be open to other ideas for connecting with guides? Sometimes what you have learned, or read, is a specific technique that may work for that guide’s…